Public Health - Covid-19

Director of Public Health:   
Laurel Headwell, MS   
Assistant Director:   
Angela Stuart Palmer, MS

Supervising PHN:   
Kathleen King, BSN, RN
Fiscal Manager:   
Tammy Mickan

Office Hours:   
Monday - Friday:   
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

County Services Complex   
2714 State Highway 29   
Johnstown, NY 12095

(518) 736-5720   
(518) 762-1382

Find us on Facebook



Fulton County Public Health would like to offer some resources to people to help with reducing the spread of disease. If you are experiencing symptoms such as a fever, cough, sneezing, or shortness of breath then please contact your primary health care provider to review your symptoms. Please, unless you have a true emergency, do not just go to Urgent Care or the Emergency Room.

For questions on COVID or Vaccine, please call 1-888-364-3065 during the hours of 8 am – 5 pm. Below are links that you can visit for detailed information.

New York State Department of Health has established a Frequently Asked Questions for Contact Tracing and Case Investigation at ⇗.


In order to support families affected by Covid-19,
New York state has issued guidelines on paid leave due to Covid-19.
Click here for details

Helpful COVID-19 Information
Tips to Help You Protect Yourself

Guidance to help you prevent severe Covid-19; know your risk, get vaccinated, take action if you are sick or test postive

Wash Your Hands - wet, soap, scrub, rinse, dry

Clean frquently touched objects and surfaces

Video Resources


For Higher Risk and Special Populations
Guidance for Business and HealthCare Settings

Business and Workplace Guidance

Sick persons should stay home, rest, cover their coughs, wash hands with soap and water and clean frequently touched surfaces

Healthcare Settings

Clean hands, put on gloves and gowns before room entry and discard on exit; use disposable equipment or clean and disinfect reusable equipment.



Isolation and Exposure Calculator
Determine if you need to isolate or take other steps to prevent spreading COVID-19.

Information from NY State on Isolation and Quarantine ⇗
Information from NY State on Contact Tracing !
More Information on COVID-19 Virus 
Covid Paid Leave Information !


Wash your hands