The Maternal Child Health Program provides a one-time Postpartum/Newborn health education and health guidance session with a nurse as a free service. First time moms and high risk moms residing in Fulton County are offered a one-time session with a nurse to provide health education and health guidance. The session encompasses both postpartum information for the mother and newborn information regarding care and development. Each mom is mailed a packet of information on newborn care and postnatal care, including topics such as breastfeeding/formula preparation, immunizations, family planning, mental health care and home safety.
If you have any questions about this program, contact Fulton County Public Health at, 518-736-5720 and ask to speak with the Maternal Child Health Nurse.
Family planning and resource information is available to anyone by calling or stopping by the office.
Going from pregnancy, labor and birth or otherwise bringing a baby home is a big transition. It’s a journey and you deserve support. Seeking information and using the resources that are available to you is a sign of strength. Below are resources on Postpartum depression and support:
• CDC Postpartum Depression information
• The 4th Trimester Project
• Postpartum Resource Center of New York
WIC is a federally funded program to provide nutrition education and supplemental foods for Women, Infants and Children at nutritional risk. Public Health and WIC program staff collaborate to share health and community resource information to women of childbearing years. For information on WIC call 518-853-8363 or 518-725-2310 or visit
• CDC Maternal and Infant Health information
• Breastfeeding…. For My Baby. For Me.
• Safe Sleep Environment for Baby
• NYS Department of Health Pregnancy information
• HEAR HER Campaign
• NYS Parent Guide