Sheriff's Office

Richard C. Giardino

Daniel Izzo

County Complex
2712 State Highway 29
PO Box 20
Johnstown, NY 12095

(518) 736-2100

(518) 736-2126




The Fulton County Sheriff's Office provides a wide range of law enforcement services within Fulton County, New York. Fulton County is located in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains of New York State.

The Sheriff's Office is a full-service agency that provides police, E911, and civil services as mandated by the County Law and correctional services as required by state Corrections Law. The agency is administered by the elected Sheriff. The Undersheriff is second-in-command and is appointed by the Sheriff. In the absence of the Sheriff, the Undersheriff acts in their place. The Sheriff's Office is divided into five divisions: Administration, Civil, Communications, Corrections, and Police.

The well trained men and women of the Sheriff’s Office strive to provide courteous, professional, and steadfast services to the citizens of Fulton County.


Community Relations and Crime Prevention Information

The Sheriff’s Office is dedicated to responding to the needs of the residents and visitors to Fulton County. We continuously work towards that goal by responding to calls for service and by making the agency available to the community through proactive programs and functions. By establishing policies to aid in that direction, this agency is committing to working with the community on a common goal. 

The Sheriff’s Office will coordinate requests by the public to assist in various forms of community activities and functions including, but not limited to: 

• Presentations and demonstrations to schools, groups, or organizations (e.g., canines, unmanned aerial vehicles)
• Training and information programs
• Public safety programs
• Sheriff’s Office facility tours
• Internships
• Patrol ride-alongs
• Child Passenger Safety Fitting Checks and Presentations
• Bicycle Safety
• Boater Safety Course
• Snowmobile Safety Course
• NYS Sheriff’s Association Yellow Dot Program
• NYS Sheriff’s Association Operation Safe Child events
• NYS Sheriff’s Association Project Lifesaver
• NYS Sheriff’s Association VINE Program
• Home Security Inspections 

Contact the Sheriff’s Office for additional information at 518 736-2100.

Accredited Agency logo
The Sheriff's Office is a New York State accredited law enforcement agency.

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Office of the Sheriff to provide the most comprehensive civil, correctional, police, and public safety services for the residents of and visitors to Fulton County as mandated by New York State Law. These vital services will be provided to our community within the fiscal appropriations provided by the County Board of Supervisors. 

The Sheriff’s Office will enforce the laws of New York State, the United States of America and all jurisdictions within Fulton County to the best of our ability, without compromise. We will enforce those laws for the benefit of the public and society as a whole, never sacrificing the rights of any individual. We will ensure public safety through the lawful care and custody of incarcerated individuals. Both citizens and public safety agencies will be provided a single point of access to full service, efficient public safety communications. The civil process function will be conducted with honesty and integrity towards all parties in an action. 

The Sheriff’s Office will protect and serve the residents of Fulton County in an open and public manner. We will assist all people and agencies with no regard for promise, favor or remuneration. We will use force only when it is necessary to defend citizens and law enforcement officers or to overcome the resistance to the process of law. 

Every member of the Sheriff’s Office will accept the great responsibility of maintaining public order, offering assistance in times of need and enforcing laws with courage, dignity, ethics, and honor.

How do I submit a tip?

If you have a non-emergency complaint, call 518-736-2100.

An example of a non-emergency complaint would be any incident where a crime is not currently in progress.

Where can I find out if there is a sex offender in my neighborhood?

Sex Offenders Registry Statistics For Fulton County, NY is provided by ⇗

Can I find out when a perpetrator will be released?

VINE, America’s number one victim notification network. VINE has been providing victims and concerned citizens with the power of information for decades, allowing these individuals to have the sense of security that they deserve. VINELink can be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to provide the most reliable information for custody status changes and criminal case information.

The VINE service provides information by phone, email, TTY, and text message where available. You may also sign up through your participating state, or county’s toll-free number.

Vine Inmate Search ⇗

How do I get a Yellow Dot Kit?

Yellow Dot is a free program designed to help first responders provide life-saving medical attention during that first “golden hour” after a crash or other emergency. A Yellow Dot in the driver’s-side rear window of your vehicle will alert first responders that vital medical information is stored in the glove compartment. ⇗

What is the Fulon County Emergency Management App?

The Fulton County Emergency Management App has a lot to offer and is intended as a “one stop shop” for emergency preparedness, emergency information and alerts.

Also included in the Fulton County Emergency Management App is information on programs and services offered by the Sheriff Office and Public Health.

Additionally, the app contains a complete directory and contact information for County Offices.

Emergency Management App ⇗



Sheriff's Office Entrance