Public Health Child Find Program

Director of Public Health:   
Laurel Headwell, MS   
Assistant Director:   
Angela Stuart Palmer, MS

Supervising PHN:   
Kathleen King, BSN, RN
Fiscal Manager:   
Tammy Mickan

Office Hours:   
Monday - Friday:   
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

County Services Complex   
2714 State Highway 29   
Johnstown, NY 12095

(518) 736-5720   
(518) 762-1382

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The Child Find Program was developed to identify at-risk children at an early age for physical and developmental disabilities in order to provide services as soon as possible through the Early Intervention Program.

The main goal of the program is to assure all children have health insurance and a physician to provide well child care including developmental assessments.

Families are provided with information on typically developing peers and given activities on what they can do to work with their child.