The Early Intervention Program provides therapy and special education services to children ages birth to 3 with qualifying developmental delays and/or diagnosed disabilities. Services include things such as speech therapy, special instruction, occupational therapy, and physical therapy.
In Fulton County, the Early Intervention Program is run through the Fulton County Public Health Department. The New York State Department of Health Bureau of Early Intervention is responsible for the oversight of the program.
EI is a voluntary program and anyone can make a referral with parent/caregiver agreement. Children receive evaluations from state approved evaluation teams that include at least two professionals, one who evaluates overall development and one specializing in the child’s area of delay within their natural environment.
If the child is determined eligible, an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) is developed with the parents/caregivers within 45 days from the date of referral. Service Coordinators provide case management. The IFSP services are intended to help the child and family to achieve goals developed by the family. The EI Program also provides individual therapy services to the child and parent teaching in their natural environment. Individual therapists and provider agencies are approved by the State of New York State Department of Health Bureau of Early Intervention. Meetings are held every six months to review these goals and/or revise the plan.
Services include, but are not limited to, speech therapy, special instruction, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. Families are provided with a Service Coordinator to provide case management.
The Local Early Intervention Coordinating Council (LEICC) meetings are held 2- 3 times per year to discuss issues within the Early Intervention Program. Families and providers are encouraged to attend and participate in these meetings. Parental input is most essential to this program.
In the Early Intervention Program, parents have rights. Your service coordinator reviews your rights which include mediation, impartial hearing, and system complaints. Parents do not need to choose in any particular order and may choose all. For more information on your rights go to the Parental Guide tab on the right of this page.
For more information on Early Intervention, visit: https://www.health.ny.gov/.../early_intervention/
For questions on your child’s developmental milestones, visit the CDC website at: https:/www.cdc.gov/.../milestones/ .