Fulton County Treasurer


In REM Foreclosure Properties

Last Day to redeem May 31, 2025. If you have outstanding 2020 school, 2020 City, and or 2021 County Tax ALL taxes must be paid in full by this date in reverse chronological order by year. Note: Dates are subject to change.

All payments must be paid with guaranteed funds. Contact the Treasurer’s Office by phone 518-736-5580 or by emailing fctreasurer@fultoncountyny.gov and asking for a Parcel Status Report to ensure the exact amount owed.

Property owners may qualify for assistance with paying delinquent taxes through the New York State Homeowner Assistance Fund https://www.nyhomeownerfund.org/ ⇗ (click on Join our waiting).


Payments can be made in person at the Treasurer's Office or by Debit or Credit Card online ⇗.

Treasurer Links