Please call to schedule an appointment to obtain and file your petitions.
Return your petition starting March 31st, 2025 through April 3rd, 2025.
This site is the only digital source of record for the Fulton County, NY Board of Elections.
Any other sources (including Search Engines, Social Media, etc.) are not to be considered accurate.
Find out if you are registered to vote.
if you are not already registered, you may register at our local board, at any state agency participating in the National Voter Registration Act, on any business day throughout the year.
Alternatively, you can download a .pdf version of the Voter Registration Form (below,) and mail it to the county board of elections, or register electronically through NYS MyDMV.
Get registered to vote
Where Do I Vote?
Voter Registration Common Questions
How do I change my name, address, or politcal party enrollment?
Complete a Voter Registration Form with the new information, and mail it to the country board of elections. If you are moving to a new county you will have to re-register to vote. Send your voter registration form with the new information to your new county board of elections.
The board will notify you when your enrollment change takes place, by Law, after the next general election.
Why should I want to enroll in a political party?
Enrolled members of a political party help to select the candidates for that party who will be on the general election ballot in November.
Parties generally circulate petitions to allow people to become candidates in primary elections.
A primary election is an election which the voters of a certain party select their candidates.
If you are not enrolled in a party, you may not vote in the primary election.
If I enroll in a party, must I only vote for that party?
If you enroll in a party you are free to vote for any candidate at the General Election in November.
Every voter should review all the candidates for each office and select the individuals that you feel would do the best job in that office.
Is my vote secret?
Often, people are concerned about the secrecy of their vote.
If you vote on a machine, your vote is protected through a system of administrative safeguards.
You begin by filling out your ballot at a table with privacy dividers.
Then, you proceed to the voting machine with your ballot inside a privacy sleeve.
The machines are sealed from the opening of the polls.
There is no way for the inspectors or anyone else to check the ballots or see what candidates you selected or how you voted on propositions.
The optical ballot scanner in no way reveals for whom you voted.
General Election
November 4, 2025
Early Voting Schedule
What is early voting?
In New York State, voters can vote in person before Election Day.
Who can vote early?
All registered voters can vote early.
If you vote during the early voting period, you are not eligible to vote on Election Day.
How will I vote during early voting?
Voting during early voting is the same as voting on Election Day. When you get to the early voting site, you will check-in to vote, receive your ballot and vote as any other election.
When will early voting results be posted?
Votes cast during an early voting period will be canvassed and reported after 9pm on the Election Day.
What happens if I am not in the county on Election Day?
If you are out of the county or if you are permanently or temporarily disabled, ill or are the primary care giver for one or more people who are ill or physically disabled, or a resident of a Veterans Hospital, or detained in jail awaiting Grand Jury action or incarcerated for an offense other than a felony you may apply for an Absentee ballot.
You may also come into our office and vote in person before you leave the county or have it mailed to you.
You will need to complete the application informing us of your name, residence address, when you will be out of the county and how you want us to get an Absentee Ballot to you.
How can I find out more about early voting??
Contact the Fulton County Board of Elections at (518) 736-5526 or You can also contact the State Board of Elections at 518-474-1953 or
Absentee Voting
Registered voters who will be away from Fulton County on Primary or General Election Days
may vote during the Early Voting period (see Early Voting Schedule above)
or may vote absentee in-person.
Voters can access their Early Vote By Mail and Absentee and then drop it off anytime during Early Voting hours
These voters may request that they be put on a permanent list so that they will receive a ballot for each election they are eligible to vote in.
You will only have to file an application once.
Note: If you vote absentee, you are not eligible to vote on the voting machine during early voting or on election day.
Note: If you vote during the early voting period, you are not eligible to vote on Election Day.
Accessible voting may be applied for using the Accessible Ballot Application portal .
Accessible Voting with ImageCast
The ImageCast is a ballot marking device that allows a voter with disabilities to privately and independently vote on a paper ballot. Audio and tactile interfaces allow voters with sight challenges to complete their ballot. Voters can listen to the selections over headphones, or view an LCD screen with an image of their ballot that can be adjusted for size and contrast. A "Sip-N-Puff" or paddle device may also be used by voters with limited hand dexterity.
Know Your Voting Machine ...
Accessible Voting Videos
Exploring ImageCast
Scanning BMD Ballot
Paper Ballot
Using Sip-N-Puff
Using Paddle Device
Using the ATI
For further assistance with Accessible Voting, please contact the Fulton County Board of Elections at (518) 736-5526 or email