Standing Committees of the Fulton County, NY Board of Supervisors


Chairman: Chairperson of the Board

Chairman of Finance
Chairman of Buildings & Grounds/Highway
Chairman of Economic Develop. & Environment
Chairman of Public Safety
Chairman of Human Services
Administrative Officer/Clerk of the Board
Budget Director
County Treasurer, Planning Director


This Committee is responsible for the procedural development of the County’s capital project needs. It shall evaluate and prioritize annually the County’s Three-Year Capital Projects. It will coordinate, for presentation and approval by the Board of Supervisors, a recommended financial plan.

This Committee shall make a report and/or recommendations, when it becomes necessary to do so, as it relates to all activities as hereinabove described.

To this committee shall be referred all matters of assessment and recommendation of the County’s capital computer needs.


Chairman: Blackmon

Vice Chairman: DiGiacomo


2025 Meetings: Wednesday at 1:00 PM
January 29
February 26
April 2
April 30
May 28
July 2
July 30
August 27
October 1
October 29

This committee shall have general supervision over all of the following County offices or agencies and their related functions, including, but not limited to, those powers and duties outlined under specific statutory authorities:

    • Fulton County Historian
    • Tourism Development Program
    • State and Local Promotion Programs
    • Fulton County Center for Regional Growth
    • Mohawk Valley Economic Development District
    • Fulton County Industrial Development Agency
    • Economic Opportunity and Development Programs
    • Rules & Procedures of the Board of Supervisors
    • Public Relations
    • Workforce Development and Job Training Programs
    • Agriculture
    • Soil and Water Conservation
    • Solid Waste Department and County Wide Municipal Solid Waste Program
    • Land Use for County Reforestation Purposes
    • Fish Stocking Programs

This committee shall have general supervision over all matters that may have mutual interest for all municipalities in the County.

This committee shall review all recommendations referred to it by various advisory committees created by the Legislative Body.

This committee shall make a report and/or recommendations when it becomes necessary to do so as it relates to all activities as herein above described.


December 27, 2023
Supervisor Argotsinger thanked this year’s members of the Committee on Economic Development and Environment. He stated he would like to thank all of the Supervisors on the Board for the knowledge and experience given to him over the years.

August 8, 2022
Supervisor Argotsinger stated that the Committee and Board are moving forward with the three projects in the Destination: Fulton County Plan, including the Great Sacandaga Lake Museum Project in the Town of Northampton.

February 12, 2018
Supervisor Waldron noted that it was very exciting that the gloves worn by Olympic athletes during the Opening Ceremony for the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang were made with leather that was produced right in Gloversville. Owner Matthew Smrtic and the team of Sunderland Leather Company were involved in the making of the gloves. Also, Peter Kiernan, who is from Gloversville was involved.


Chairman: Fagan

Vice Chairman: VanValkenburgh


2025 Meetings: Thursday at 9:30AM
January 30
February 27
April 3
May 1
May 29
July 3
July 31
August 28
October 2
October 30

This committee shall have general supervision over all of the following County offices or agencies and related functions, including, but not limited to, those powers and duties outlined under specific statutory authorities.

    • Administrative Officer/Clerk of the Board of Supervisors/Purchasing Agent
    • Budget Director/County Auditor
    • County Treasurer
    • Information Services/Printing Department
    • Real Property Tax Service Agency
    • County Clerk/Clerk of the Courts
    • Board of Elections
    • Fulton Montgomery Community College
    • County Attorney

In the absence of the Director of Real Property Tax Services Agency, Budget Director/County Auditor or Director of Information Services/Printing, the Chairperson of this Committee shall have and exercise all the powers and duties which have been assigned to said offices. This committee shall have general supervision over all matters relative to the issuance of bonds and other County obligation, including temporary loans and capital notes. To it shall be referred the budgets of the various cities and towns and all matters relating to appropriation of money for said purposes, all necessary appropriations for county expenditures and/or chargebacks shall be determined and a statement prepared.

This committee shall have charge over all matters relating to the following:
    • Insurance—all types (including self-insurance Funds)
    • Budget Review
    • Internal policies governing fiscal affairs
    • All real estate and buildings owned by the County, exclusive, however, of lands and buildings used for public office, public establishments, highways and rights-of-way
    • Matters in litigation in which the County is interested, other than condemnation of rights-of-way

This committee shall review all recommendations referred to it by various advisory committees created by the Legislative Body.

This committee shall make a report and/or recommendations when it becomes necessary to do so as it relates to the auditing activities as hereinabove described.

January 13, 2025
Supervisor Fagan stated that there will be a special Finance Committee meeting on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 to meet with County Auditors.

December 27, 2023
Supervisor Howard stated that the Finance Committee is the “center hub” of what we do. With many leaving, there are big shoes to fill. He stated that over the last 20 years, he has seen the Committee on Finance set the tone for how the Board of Supervisors operates. He noted that tax rates have been kept “even keel” for almost 15 years. He thanked them for their service and their friendship.

November 29, 2023
Supervisor Howard noted a change was made to Resolution 29 on apportionment following final revenue revisions to pending Budget at the Finance Meeting this morning.

August 8, 2022
Supervisor Howard stated that the 2023 County Budget process is underway. He stated that it is going to be difficult moving forward this year due to increases that the County wasn’t anticipating.

October 10, 2021
Mr. Argotsinger stated that the Finance Committee has been diligently working on the 2022 Tentative Budget and stated that the full Board should receive it in November for review.

August 9, 2021
Supervisor Argotsinger noted that the 2022-2024 Budget Review meetings start next week and hopes all Standing Committees do their due diligence in preparing the budget.

November 12, 2019
Supervisor Argotsinger thanked Alice Kuntzsch, Budget Director and Deputy Budget Director Alicia Cowan for their hard work on the 2020 Budget.

October 15, 2019
Mr. Argotsinger stated that the Finance Committee has been making progress on the 2020 Budget.

January 8, 2018
Supervisor Argotsinger advised that there will be a short Finance Committee Meeting following the Board Meeting to discuss several vacancy reviews.


Chairman: Fogarty

Vice Chairman: Goderie

Van Valkenburgh

2025 Meetings: Tuesday at 1:00 PM
January 28
February 25
April 1
April 29
July 1
July 20
August 26
September 30
October 28

This committee shall have general supervision over all of the following County offices or agencies and their related functions, including, but not limited to, those powers and duties outlined under specific statutory authorities:

    • Community Services
    • Public Health Department and Public Health Programs
    • Education and Medical Services for Handicapped Children
    • Youth Bureau - Emergency Medical Services (other than Enhanced 911)
    • Office for the Aging - Veterans Agency - Social Services Department and Programs

This committee shall review all recommendations to it by various advisory committees created by the Legislative Body.

This committee shall make a report and/or recommendations when it becomes necessary to do so as it relates to all activities as hereinabove described.

In the absence of the Director of the Veterans Agency and Director of Office for Aging, the Chairperson of this Committee shall have and exercise all the powers and duties which have been assigned to said offices.

December 27, 2023
Supervisor Blackmon noted that this was his first year as Chairman of a Standing Committee. He thanked the Human Services Committee for their work this year. 

August 8, 2022
Supervisor Horton thanked Supervisor Goderie for chairing the last Human Service Committee meeting in his absence. As the Board knows, the Human Services Committee Departments have the largest budgets that total approximately $66 million. He stated that it’s been a challenge, but took a moment to thank the Department Heads for “controlling” each department’s budget the best that they can.

May 10, 2021
Supervisor Potter provided COVID-19 update on behalf of the Human Services Committee. See attachment.

Mr. Stead stated that the County has been immersed in COVID-19 since March. He stated that the 7-day rolling average is now back over 3 percent. Mr. Stead stated that he has been trying to remind everyone that the important statistics are about the size of the group that is positive. Mr. Stead explained that a whole percentage point rise in a positivity rate is equivalent to about 4.8 people in Fulton County. If the same calculations were done in Albany County, the % rate rise would be equivalent to about 30 people. Mr. Stead stated that an outbreak in a metropolitan downtown area is more likely to spread as opposed to a rural area like Fulton County. Mr. Stead stated that Fulton County is hovering back and forth between 1.5 and 3.2 percent, and that Montgomery and Schoharie County are similar.

He also explained that emphasis is shifting away from county health departments administering large scale vaccinations. He stated that Ms. Headwell is now facilitating contractors to get onsite mobile vaccinations set up at schools in Fulton County. Mr. Stead stated that the vaccinations for schools have to be Pfizer due to age regulations. Ms. Headwell is reaching out to network Pfizer for local schools including Gloversville and Johnstown in the next couple weeks.

June 8, 2020
Supervisor Born commented that the Public Health Department is “doing a great job”.

May 11, 2020
Supervisor Born commented by stating what a good job the department heads are doing reporting to Human Services Committee. She reported that, to date, our County has seen no cases of the “pediatric inflammation syndrome”. She has spoken with the Public Health Department, Office for Aging, Veterans and Community Services Departments and all are doing a super job.

February 10, 2020
Supervisor Born advised that she attended the recent NYSAC Conference and the topic of Raise the Age was discussed with several unfavorable conversations.

December 10, 2018
Supervisor Born advised that new Public Health Director Laurel Headwell started on December 3, 2018.

October 9, 2018
Supervisor Born advised that the Board will be conducting interviews for Public Health Director later in the meeting.


Chairman: Fagan

Vice Chairman: David Howard


2025 Meetings: Wednesday at 10:00 AM
January 29
February 26
April 2
April 30
May 28
July 2
July 30
August 27
October 1
October 29

This committee shall have general supervision over all of the following County offices or agencies and their related functions, including, but not limited to, those powers and duties outlined under specific statutory authorities:

    • Personnel Office
    • Fulton County Ethics Board

In the absence of the Director of Personnel, the Chairperson of this Committee shall have and exercise all the powers and duties which have been assigned to said office.

This Committee shall consider all matters in general relative to salaries, classification, reclassification, reallocations, etc., including adjustments and readjustments, grievances, and employee programs and benefits.

This Committee shall be the grievance committee, as well as the negotiations committee, acting on behalf of the Board of Supervisors.

This committee shall make a report and/or recommendations when it becomes necessary to do so as it relates to all activities as hereinabove described.


August 12th, 2024
Supervisor Fagan stated that the County’s Labor Counsel is here today to brief the Board regarding the pending Collective Bargaining Agreement that was reached with the CSEA Nurses Unit.

July 8th, 2024
Supervisor Fagan stated that a tentative agreement has been reached with the CSEA Nurses Unit and he expects it will come to the full Board next month.

April 13th, 2024
Supervisor Fagan noted that negotiations with the Nurses Unit will begin soon. 

February 12th, 2024
Supervisor Fagan stated that he will be calling for an executive session to discuss collective bargaining later in the meeting regarding the proposed CSEA General Unit. 

January 8th, 2024
Supervisor Fagan stated that the CSEA General Unit approved the Memorandum of Agreement last Thursday and it will now go through Standing Committees at the end of the month and then to the February 12, 2024 Board of Supervisors meeting for consideration.

December 27th, 2023
Supervisor Callery stated that he wanted to thank everyone in the room, the Supervisors and Board staff. For 26 years, there has been nothing, but support given to him. Supervisor Callery also recognized Personnel Director Terri Souza for her hard work. He stated that an Agreement with the General Unit Union is very close and with that being the largest union in the County, it is a wonderful way to end the year. He noted that there will need to be an executive session today to discuss details of the pending Alliance Union Agreement. 

December 11th, 2023
Supervisor Callery stated that there will be a CSEA negotiation meeting on December 20, 2023 and that the Personnel Committee is doing its best to get a contract. In another update, he stated that during Alliance negotiations, they were able to reach a fair tentative agreement. Supervisor Callery stated that the Public Hearing to receive comments on NYS Public Employment Relations Board Fact Finder’s Opinion between the County of Fulton and Fulton County Sheriff’s Office Employees Alliance, Council 82 AFSCME (PERB Case M2022-012) related to a collective bargaining agreement for the period January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2025 scheduled today, will no longer be needed, now that a tentative agreement is in place.

Administrative Officer Jon Stead suggested an executive session at the end of the meeting to give the full Board of Supervisors an update on all negotiations. He also stated that there is a full Collective Bargaining Agreement approved for four (4) years with the PBA, as well as the Board has increased Non-union employee salaries for 2024, and now hopefully the Alliance agreement can be completed. Mr. Stead stated that, currently, over half of the County workforce has a reliable, fair increase in place, and hopefully the CSEA employees can get there too. 

November 29th, 2023
Supervisor Callery stated that negotiations are ongoing and that the Alliance group will be meeting on December 8, 2023 and CSEA General Unit on December 20, 2023. 

June 12th, 2023
Mr. Callery advised that the Personnel Committee has an important meeting tomorrow to start negotiations with the Fulton County Police Benevolent Association (PBA). 

May 8th, 2023
Supervisor Callery stated that the Personnel Committee is meeting Thursday, May 11 to caucus prior to upcoming Police Benevolent Association (PBA) negotiations. 

September 12th, 2022
Supervisor Callery stated that there are three (3) Resolutions on the Agenda today that he is hoping the Board of Supervisors will support. He noted all departments are struggling to recruit applicants and these Resolutions will approve Memorandums of Agreement that give new employees better incentives to work for Fulton County.

August 8th, 2022
Supervisor Callery stated that the Committee is still bargaining with the Police Benevolent Association (PBA) and the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office Alliance. He noted that the Alliance was given a tremendous offer and there is a PERB mediator working through the process now. Mr. Callery thanked Personnel Director Theresa Souza for all of her hard work and devotion to the County. He expressed that she is a great asset to this County and its employees.

May 11th, 2020
Supervisor Callery advised that the retroactive checks are being printed for the Sheriff’s PBA employees at a cost of approximately $220,000.00.

April 13th, 2020
Supervisor Callery advised that the Personnel Department has been receiving calls on when retroactive checks for the employees in the Police Benevolent Association would be issued. He said that he spoke with Ms. Souza and her staff is working on them and the checks should be out by the end of May.

July 8th, 2020
Supervisor Callery advised that there will be a special Personnel Committee meeting on Wednesday, July 10, 2019 for labor negotiations.

March 9th, 2020
Supervisor Callery advised that there would be an executive session later in the meeting to discuss a Resolution approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement with the with the Deputy Sheriffs’ Police Benevolent Association.

September 10th, 2018
Supervisor Callery stated that there would be a short executive session called later in the meeting for Collective Bargaining purposes. He also wanted to thank the entire Board for their support and well wishes during his past illness. He said that it meant a lot to him.

July 9th, 2018
Supervisor Lauria advised that on the Agenda today are two (2) Collective Bargaining Agreements slated for approval.


Chairman: Groff

Vice Chairman: Breh


2025 Meetings: Monday at 10:00AM
January 27
February 24
March 31
April 28
May (TBD)
June 30
July 28
August 25
September 29
October 27

This Committee shall have general supervision over all of the following County offices or agencies and related functions, including, but not limited to, those powers and duties outlined under specific statutory authorities: 

    • District Attorney’s Office/Stop-DWI 
    • Public Defender’s Office 
    • Probation Department 
    • Coroners’ Office 
    • Sheriff’s Department/Correctional Facility, including Civil Work, Navigation and Snowmobile Enforcement 
    • Weights and Measures 
    • Civil Defense/Arson/Fire Coordinator 
    • Alternatives to Incarceration/Pre-Trial Release 
    • Assigned Counsel Office 

In the absence of the Fire Coordinator/Civil Defense Director or the Director of Weights and Measures, the Chairperson of this committee shall have and exercise all the powers and duties which have been assigned to said offices. 

This Committee shall review all recommendations referred to it by various advisory committees created by the Legislative Body. 

This Committee shall make a report and/or recommendations, when it becomes necessary to do so, as it relates to all activities as hereinabove described. 

May 13th, 2024 
Supervisor Groff stated the next Public Safety meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 due to Memorial Day.

December 27th, 2023 
Supervisor Groff stated that it has been a great year. He thanked the Public Safety and Finance Committees for allowing the new Emergency Dispatcher position to be created. Supervisor Groff stated that this group works well together, and he is very proud to be a part of this Committee. Thank you very much for all you do.

October 11th, 2022 
Supervisor Greene stated that one of the late Resolutions includes amending the 2022 Capital Plan to authorize the purchase of two (2) Dodge Charger patrol vehicles and remove two (2) patrol vehicles from the 2023 Capital Plan. 

August 8th, 2022 
Supervisor Greene thanked the Department Heads and stated that the Public Safety Committee is a very important Committee. 

November 8th, 2021 
Ms. Breh stated that Public Safety will hold a special meeting on 15 November 2021 at 12:00 p.m. and noted that it will be held in County Office Building Meeting Room #1. 

June 8th, 2020 
Supervisor Breh advised that the Committee had a special Zoom Teleconference on June 2 to interview a candidate for Probation Director. The interview lasted 40 minutes with 15 minutes discussion after the interview. She said that during an executive session later in today’s meeting, there will be a Late Resolution presented for hire of a candidate. 

May 13th, 2019 
Supervisor Breh announced that the May Public Safety Meeting would be held on Tuesday, May 28 at 1:00 p.m. due to the Memorial Day holiday.


Chairman: Bradt

Vice Chairman: Potter



2025 Meetings: Monday at 1:00PM
January 27
February 24
March 31
April 28
May (TBD)
June 30
July 28
August 25
September 29
October 27

This Committee shall have general supervision over all of the following County offices or agencies and their related functions, including, but not limited to, those powers and duties outlined under specific statutory authorities:

    • Highways & Facilities Department
    • Road Construction & Reconstruction Projects
    • Trails Program
    • Planning Department
    • Civil Aviation
    • Code Enforcement Officer
    • Mass Transportation

In the absence of the Director of Planning or the Superintendent of Highways and Facilities, the Chairperson of this Committee shall have and exercise all the powers and duties which have been assigned to said office.

May 13th, 2024
Supervisor Bradt stated that, also due to Memorial Day, the Public Works meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 3 p.m.

December 27th, 2022
Supervisor Wilson stated that he would like to reiterate everything already said. He thanked Supervisor Bradt for the opportunity to be the Chairman of Public Works this past year as he had chaired it for a long time prior. He stated that as far as for everyone leaving, no one can express the labor of love serving on the Board becomes. He expressed his appreciation of support, guidance and experience of working with everyone. “It has been a privilege working with you all”, he concluded.

August 8th, 2022
Supervisor Bradt stated that the Town of Ephratah is looking for assistance from the County Demolition Team to make way for a future ambulance building site. He also thanked Superintendent of Highways and Facilities Mark Yost and his staff for the work at the Court House for the 250th anniversary celebration.

May 11th, 2020
Supervisor Fagan announced that Public Works Committee would have to pick a new date to have its May Committee Meeting because it falls on Memorial Day.

May 13th, 2019
Supervisor Fagan announced that the May Public Works Meeting would be held on Tuesday, May 28 at 2:30 p.m. due to the Memorial Day holiday.

August 13th, 2018
Supervisor Fagan advised that the first meeting of the newly re-named Public Works Committee went well and the Committee is looking forward to working with the Solid Waste Department.

May 14th, 2018
Supervisor Fagan advised that the Fulton County Office Building Renovation Project (Phase I) started today. He hopes that any confusion that the public is having when finding the correct entrance will become easier in the next few days.