Adirondack Government
Fogarty (alternate)
July 8th, 2024
Supervisor Fogarty noted that he attended the meeting last month for the Adirondack Local Government Review Board. He stated that he had the minutes from the meeting sent to all the Supervisors because he felt it was very informative.
December 27th, 2023
Supervisor Fogarty stated that it has been an interesting year and he really enjoyed being on the Adirondack Government Committee. He thanked the Supervisors for allowing him to be on it.
September 12th, 2022
Resolution from Adirondack Park Local Government Review Board dated July 1, 2022
Resolution supporting exemption of the Adirondack Park as a “sensitive area” as defined in State Law emanating from Assembly Bill A41001 and Senate Bill S51001 related to restrictions on the carry and possession of firearms in New York State.
Fish and Wildlife Board
Groff (alternate)
May 13th, 2024
Supervisor Bradt stated that he had attended a meeting in Warrensburg this month regarding getting permission from landowners to restock fish. He stated that he has been working on the restocking of the Cayadutta Creek in our area.
March 11th, 2024
Supervisor Bradt stated that the next meeting will be held on March 26, 2024 in Warrensburg, NY. He stated that he plans on attending.
December 27th, 2023
Supervisor Bowman stated that it has been a privilege and an honor to represent this County. He stated that he has learned so much and formed many friendships.
March 13th, 2023
Supervisor Bowman stated that a meeting is scheduled for two (2) weeks from now.
September 12th, 2022
Supervisor Bowman stated that he has reached out several times to the Fish and Wildlife Board regarding a meeting schedule and has not heard back.
Inter-County Legislative Committee of the Adirondacks
Roehl (alternate)
November 11th, 2024
Supervisor VanValkenburgh stated that she attended the Inter-County meeting on Thursday and NYSAC gave an update on the Short-Term Rental bill. NYSAC noted that Governor Hochul has refused to sign the bill because she opposes “the registry”. Supervisor VanValkenburgh stated that revised legislation is being proposed.
Supervisor VanValkenburgh stated that John Taflan from Warren County also gave an update at the Inter-County meeting regarding the “Regional Forensic Center” for the Adirondack region and the potential to create a regional authority to fund it.
July 8th, 2024
Supervisor VanValkenburgh gave a NYSAC update from the last Inter-County Legislative Committee of the Adirondacks meeting. She stated that it was said that the NYS Tax Cap will be a true two (2) percent for the coming
year. The short-term rental sales tax bill (S885G/A413C) has not been signed by the Governor yet.. Supervisor VanValkenburgh then noted that the fall NYSAC Conference will be held in Monticello, NY on September 9, 2024 through September 11, 2024. She stated that the Judiciary Security Act will be effective July 19, 2024, where any state, county or local judge can now make a request for personal information to be redacted from the web, such as tax information
including real estate. Supervisor VanValkenburgh also stated that the Procurement regulations for “piggybacking” has been extended for three (3) years and that NYSAC is looking to send a letter to slow down new OSHA requirements for volunteer firefighters.
May 13th, 2024
Supervisor VanValkenburgh noted that a Resolution supported by the Town of Caroga was brought forward and adopted by Inter County asking for support to get more cellular coverage in the Adirondack Park.
Supervisor VanValkenburgh stated that there was also a presentation regarding a feasibility study that was completed for a regional autopsy facility to be built in Warren County. She noted that Dr. Sikirica spoke at the presentation as well, the doctor that performs Fulton County’s autopsies. Supervisor VanValkenburgh noted that the facility will cost approximately $26 million dollars. She stated that they are not asking for money at this point, but support for further evaluation. She stated that hospitals are not doing autopsies and the Coroner is having to travel to where the autopsies can be done. Sometimes that entails bringing a Police Investigator as well.
February 12th, 2024
Supervisor VanValkenburgh stated that the first meeting was held in January and expressed that it went well. Mr. Stead noted that Ms. VanValkenburgh is the Chairperson of Inter-County this year and did very well chairing her
inaugural meeting.
January 8th, 2024
Supervisor VanValkenburgh stated that another county deferred being Chairperson of the Inter-County Legislative Committee of the Adirondacks for 2024, so Fulton County will Chair this year.
November 29th, 2022
Supervisor Wilson stated that he would be attending a meeting in Saratoga this week.
September 12th, 2022
Supervisor Wilson noted that the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC) Conference is coming up next week and Inter County will meet at the Conference.
August 8th, 2022
Supervisor Wilson stated that he wasn’t able to attend the last meeting.
Mr. Wilson noted that the upcoming New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC) Fall Conference is going to be held in Niagara Falls. He also thanked Chairman Fagan and Mr. Stead for arranging this day to happen. He also stated “hats off” to each department head and expressed that they do a phenomenal job.
November 8th, 2021
Mr. Wilson stated that he attended a meeting last week in Lake Placid, NY. He stated that the Mt. Van Hoevenburg Recreational Area is a wonderful venue and noted that New York State has spent millions of dollars upgrading the Olympic facilities. He stated that the Committee went to the Bob Sled Run and it was a wonderful experience, despite poor weather that day.
Mr. Wilson discussed that the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC) continues to encourage “Operation Green Light” in support of Veterans. He stated that Fulton County has been involved for a few years already. He provided other updates from NYSAC that were discussed at the meeting.
August 9th, 2021
Supervisor Wilson stated that the Committee had a great meeting on July 22, 2021 at Gore Mountain. He noted that there was a presentation regarding an international winter sporting event that will be held at Gore Mountain and in Lake Placid, NY, January 12-22, 2022. He stated that the event is “one step below the Olympics”. Mr. Wilson noted that ESPN will be broadcasting the event. He advised that the State of New York is responsible for lodging and food for the participants.
Mr. Wilson stated that the Committee rode the gondola to the top of Gore Mountain. Afterwards, they rode rail bikes for 7.3 miles and had an enjoyable ride.
July 12th, 2021
Supervisor Wilson stated the Committee visited a hydroelectric facility at its last meeting. He stated that it was interesting to learn about power generation that can be done with small lakes and ponds. He noted that there are only two (2) counties that overrode the tax cap. He also advised that the NYSAC Fall Seminar will be held at the Syracuse Marriott from September 13-15, 2021.
November 25th, 2019
Supervisor Perry advised that the Inter-County Committee met on November 21 in Saratoga County and the group took a tour of the Public Safety Building being constructed. Chairman Wilson also attended the meeting. Supervisor Perry further advised that it was an “amazing tour”.
November 12th, 2019
Supervisor Perry advised that the Inter-County Committee met on October 24 and it was a very successful meeting here in Fulton County. She thanked Alicia Cowan and Beth Lathers for having the breakfast items and coffee ready for the Committee as well as coordination of two (2) buses. The Committee had a tour of the Solid Waste Department. She also thanked Chairman Wilson for his welcome remarks.
October 15th, 2019
Supervisor Perry announced that Fulton County would be hosting the Inter-County Meeting on October 24 in the Board of Supervisors Chambers starting at 10:00 a.m.
June 10th, 2019
(No Update)
May 13th, 2019
Supervisor Perry advised that the Inter-County meeting was held on April 18 and hosted by Warren County. She passed out a report from that meeting to all Board members, highlighting the topics discussed. She further advised that Fulton County will be the host for Inter-County in October. She also explained that next month the Committee meets in Essex County, but that she would be unable to attend. Chairman Wilson asked her to provide him the date and he would try to attend the meeting.
April 8th, 2019
Supervisor Perry advised that the Inter-County meeting was held on March 28 and hosted by Clinton County. The highlight of the meeting was a tour of the State Correction Facility in Dannemora, NY. She commented that it was an “amazing and memorable experience”. The group received an update from NYSAC regarding the status of items in the NYS Budget that were due to be released the next day.
February 11th, 2019
Supervisor Perry advised that the Inter-County meeting was held on January 24 at Oak Mountain Ski Center, Speculator, NY. A presentation was given by Lynn Zimmerman and Greeley Ford of AT&T regarding the First Net Emergency Network.
December 27th, 2018
Supervisor Potter thanked Chairman Groff for appointing him as the liaison for Inter-County Legislative Committee of the Adirondacks for 2018. He reported that it was a modest year of achievements. He advised that he agreed with Supervisor Selmser about First Net and it is a very important and beneficial tool for Fulton County.
December 10th, 2018
Supervisor Greene advised that the District Board met on November 20. The next meeting will be on December 18. He further advised that not much field work has been done because of the weather. The group met and discussed current grants and future grants.
November 13th, 2018
Supervisor Potter advised that the next Inter-County meeting will be held on Thursday, November 15 in Herkimer County. The group will be touring the new Tractor Supply Co. Distribution Center in Frankfort, NY.
October 9th, 2018
Supervisor Potter advised that he attended the fall New York State Association of Counties Fall Seminar that was recently held in Rochester. He stated that it was nice to meet some Western Inter-County representatives and that the conference was well-attended. He also mentioned that he met the new President of NYSAC Charles Nesbitt and he will be a “proactive guy” for NYSAC. He also attended seminars at NYSAC that were very informative.
July 9th, 2018
Supervisor Potter stated that Fulton County was the host for Inter-County meeting on June 21 and the meeting was very wellattended. Chairman Groff gave the opening remarks and David Karpinski, Executive Director of the Parkhurst Field Foundation, gave a presentation on “Field of Dreams”. He continued that the group went to Partners Pub for lunch. He also thanked the Chairman of the Board, Jon R. Stead and the Board staff for hosting the event.
June 11th, 2018
Supervisor Potter advised that the last meeting that was scheduled to be held in Lowville, NY was cancelled due to poor attendance. He stated that Fulton County is hosting June's meeting and Mr. Dave Karpinski, Director of the Parkhurst Field Foundation will be presenting regarding the “Field of Dreams” project. He advised any Supervisors that are interested in attending the June 21 meeting should contact Mr. Stead so they can be added to the attendees list for lunch at Partners Pub.
March 12th, 2018
Supervisor Potter advised that he attended a “Herkimer County Legislative Breakfast” three weeks ago. Those in attendance included, Senator Tedisco, Assemblyman Marc Butler and Congresswoman Claudia Tenney. He further advised that the presentation gave a broad view of New York State and the federal government. He further advised that the event hosted about 150 people. He said attendees mentioned that they were looking forward to coming to Fulton County in June when we host the Inter-County Legislative Meeting.
Region 5 Land Acquisition Advisory Committee
Howard (alternate)
April 08th, 2024
Supervisor Lehr stated that the Open Space Advisory Committee is taking precedence over the Region 5 Land Acquisition Advisory Committee at this time while Open Space Plan review is underway.
March 11th, 2024
Supervisor Lehr stated that he is hopeful to attend next month’s meeting as the first 2024 meeting is today at the same time as this Board meeting.
January 8th, 2024
Chairman Blackmon noted that someone from NYS DEC should be in touch with the new Committee members soon because he had received a phone call about it.
Soil and Water Conservation District
Praught (alternate)
January 13th, 2025
Supervisor Lauria stated that there will be a meeting tomorrow, 14 January at 10:00 a.m.
November 11th, 2024
Supervisor Praught stated that it has been a really positive year. He stated that construction on the new building will begin in the spring.
September 9th, 2024
Supervisor Lauria stated that the Beech Ridge beaver dam is being taken care of and he mentioned multiple clean ups that have been scheduled for completion. He also noted multiple other culvert and drainage projects that have been completed. He stated that pipe sales are going strong.
August 12th, 2024
Supervisor Lauria stated that the Soil and Water Conservation District’s new pole barn has been built and plans for the new office building have been started.
July 8th, 2024
Supervisor Lauria stated that Soil and Water Conservation District Board met on June 11, 2024. He noted that next year’s budget is in process. He stated the Perry’s “Day on the Farm” will be on August 18, 2024 and it should be a great day. Supervisor Lauria stated that the concrete and electric is complete for the new SWCD pole barn. He also stated that the Chicken BBQ will be held tomorrow, July 9, 2024, following the 9:00 a.m. meeting and all Supervisors are invited to attend.
June 10th, 2024
Chairman Blackmon inquired when the BBQ will be held by the Soil and Water District. Supervisor Lauria stated that he will find out and let everyone know.
May 13th, 2024
Supervisor Lauria stated that the Soil and water Conservation District Board has met twice this month and the plans for the new building have been put forth. He also noted that sales are down a little this month.
March 11th, 2024
Supervisor Lauria stated that the 2023 Annual Report was completed and noted that tree and shrub sales are in there. He stated that building plans will be started soon. He also noted that the Annual Report is in the Priority Reading Rack in the Supervisors break room.
February 12th, 2024
Supervisor Lauria stated that the Soil and Water District Board met on January 16, 2024. He noted that multiple ongoing projects have been completed. He then stated that the Soil and Water District Employee Policy Handbook has been completed.
December 27th, 2023
Supervisor Goderie thanked everyone for their support, especially on the new facility for the District.
November 29th, 2023
Supervisor Lauria noted that a lot of applications have been received.
November 13th, 2023
Supervisor Lauria stated that the Committee did not meet and that the pole barn is now up at the future District offices location.
October 10th, 2023
Mr. Goderie stated that he was unable to attend the most recent meeting. Mr. Lauria stated that Soil and Water is waiting for the pole barn to be built at the new property on South Melcher Street. Mr. Lauria stated that pipe sales are still doing good. He also noted that he and Supervisor Goderie attended a waste water consolidation accreditation seminar recently.
September 11th, 2023
Supervisor Lauria stated that the Board of Directors met on August 15 for its Annual Chicken BBQ. He stated that Soil and Water District employees have been busy with spring clean outs, beaver dam removal, swale clean outs and ditch clean ups.
August 14th, 2023
Supervisor Goderie stated that the next monthly Board meeting has been moved from the new Melcher Street SWCD site to the Fire Training Center on August 15, 2023 due to the projected weather forecast. He stated that the meeting starts at 10:00 a.m. and the Annual Chicken BBQ will start at 12:00 p.m.
July 10th, 2023
Mr. Goderie stated that drainage and pipe sales are still going really well. He stated that the Board of Directors recently welcomed Robert Perry, the newest Board member. Mr. Goderie stated that the July meeting is going to include the Annual Chicken BBQ and is planned to be held at the new facility on South Melcher Street, weather dependent.
May 8th, 2023
Supervisor Lauria stated that projects and sales are going well and the Office is excited to relocate to South Melcher Street, Johnstown.
April 10th, 2023
Supervisor Lauria stated that the Flower and Tree Sale is currently going on. He noted that the Soil and Water Conservation District Board appreciates the endorsement of the new office building plan for the District.
March 13th, 2023
Supervisor Goderie stated that the Board is waiting for the weather to break so spring projects can begin.
October 11th, 2022
Supervisor Goderie stated that the end of the year is approaching, and pipe sales are still strong. He stated that fabric sales surpassed last year. He advised that Soil and Water is trying to get projects wrapped up before the snow flies. He stated that the next meeting on October 18, 2022 will be at Rogers Cideryard to honor Richard Hart.
September 12th, 2022
Supervisor Lauria gave an update, stating that maintenance is complete, Caroga completed their project SWCD staff, worked on drainage on farms, and culvert material sales are going well, despite not always getting the products. He noted that the next meeting would be taking place at Rogers Orchard and Mr. Richard Hart would be honored for his many years of service.
August 8th, 2022
Supervisor Goderie stated that the Town Highway Departments are making good progress with their projects. Mr. Goderie stated that the quantity of incoming orders for pipe and related materials has started to decrease.
Mr. Goderie noted that Rebecca Perry had a nice Farm-to-Table presentation at the last Soil and Water Board meeting. He stated that the Chicken BBQ luncheon for former Chairman of the Soil and Water Board Richard Hart was well-attended. He noted that Richard Hart served for 35 years, but was unable to make it to the luncheon due to an illness.
July 11th, 2022
Supervisor Goderie stated that Fulton County Soil and Water has teamed up with local municipalities for replacement of culverts on the FJ&G Rail Trail. He noted that drain and pipe sales are still strong. He stated that the next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 20 July which will include a Chicken Barbeque to honor Richard Hart’s prior service to the Soil and Water Conservation Board. He stated that the Board of Supervisors are invited to attend the meeting and the barbeque.
May 9th, 2022
Supervisor Goderie stated that he was unable to attend the last meeting and asked Supervisor Lauria to provide the update. Supervisor Lauria stated that Soil and Water did drainage work in the Towns of Stratford, Caroga and Mayfield. He noted that the Town of Perth bridge replacement project was discussed. Mr. Lauria also stated that piping is hard to get, and Soil and Water has been getting it from Canada because it is difficult to find in the United States.
March 14th, 2022
Mitchell Rogers, Owner and Operator of Rogers’ Cideryard has bee appointed to the vacant Director-At-Large position on the Fulton County Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Directors.
December 28th, 2021
Supervisor Horton reported that the annual audit was done for the Soil and Water Conservation District and the results were that “all records were in order and accurate”. He announced that long-tenured Chairman of the Soil and Water Advisory Board Richard Hart, has decided to resign from the Board after 36 years.
December 13th, 2021
Supervisor Horton stated that the Soil and Water Conservation District completed its annual sexual harassment training last month. He noted that Soil and Water also helped out at the future Great Sacandaga Lake Museum site. He noted that material sales are going very strong.
November 8th, 2021
Mr. Horton stated that he was not able to attend the meeting. Mr. Lauria stated that some work has been done in Bleecker and other areas. He noted that it is difficult for Soil and Water to find piping, but it is trying to stock up on as much pipe as possible.
October 10th, 2021
Supervisor Horton stated that business has been as usual and noted that culvert pipe sales have been “brisk”. He also noted that prices still continue to go up on items such as fabric and drainage pipe.
August 9th, 2021
Supervisor Horton stated that the special meeting regarding land trust options was held on July 20, 2021. He noted that eight (8) members of the Board of Supervisors attended as well as Administrative Officer Jon Stead. He thanked those who attended. He noted that there was a presentation by a representative from the NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets who spoke about farmland and why they want to protect them through land trusts and easements.
July 12th, 2021
Supervisor Horton stated that farmland protection has become quite an issue with all the solar farms that are being constructed. He stated that there is a lot of tillable land that is being taken up by solar panels.
Supervisor Horton stated that Fulton County Soil and Water Conservation District material sales are up about 20 percent. He noted that some of that is due to price increases.
Mr. Horton provided a handout to all Supervisors inviting them to the Fire Training Facility on July 20, 2021 for an informal meeting from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. He asked for those interested to RSVP prior to attending.
June 14th, 2021
Supervisor Horton stated that the Fulton County Highways and Facilities Department has been replacing culverts throughout Fulton County. He also stated that Town Highway Departments are working on storm drainage.
May 10th, 2021
Supervisor Lauria stated that there is a project being done in Caroga Lake on Gray Road and that seeds and pipes and building materials are going up in price.
August 10th, 2020
Supervisor Horton advised that the Board did meet and had its annual luncheon. He further advised that things are going well with Soil and Water and they have decided to hold back on some expenses due to anticipated budget constraints.
July 13th, 2020
Supervisor Horton advised that the Board did not meet last month, but would be having a meeting next week to be held outside. Supervisor Lauria advised that the Board did meet on June 16. He further advised that Soil and Water received funds in the amount of $54,000.00 in 2019. So far in 2020, they have received $67,000.00.
June 8th, 2020
Supervisor Horton advised that the Board has not been meeting due to the COVID-19 virus. The Board is planning to have an in-person meeting with social-distancing and will have a report next month.
May 11th, 2020
Supervisor Horton advised that the District recently had a meeting with three (3) voting members. He reported that the sales of tile are doing well and not quite up to last years level and that staff at Soil and Water are working apart from each other as much as possible. He also reported that District Field Manager John Persch is recovering from an illness and expects to be back in the office soon. Chairman of the Soil and Water Conservation District Board Richard Hart recently lost his home to a fire. Mr. Horton asked that prayers be sent his way. Soil and Water is also letting the Highway Department use some of its equipment.
March 9th, 2020
Supervisor Horton explained that he and Supervisor Lauria attended a meeting last month. He further explained that Soil and Water Conservation District finances were in “excellent shape”. The district is continuing a climate resilient farming program. They are also working on physical endeavors to stop erosion and find sources to end drought.
December 30th, 2019
Supervisor Blackmon advised that the District Board had their holiday luncheon. He reported that the excavator has been cleaned up and stored for the winter and that the work at Tryon Technology Park would have to wait to the spring of 2020.
November 25th, 2019
Supervisor Greene advised that National Grid has finally responded and they will be working on the overhead electrical lines at Tryon Technology Park the second week in December.
November 12th, 2019
Supervisor Greene advised Soil and Water has been very busy with fixing washouts and other issues that happened because of the Halloween night storm. At the present time, they are helping in the Town of Wells as well as Bleecker and the Town of Johnstown with storm damage because several projects have had to be completed again. They are still waiting for National Grid at Tryon Technology Park. He further advised that he attended a meeting in Warrensburg to learn about invasive plants and insects. November 19 is the next meeting for the District.
October 15th, 2019
Supervisor Greene advised that the District Board met on October 8. District employees are continuing with hydroseeding in various areas in the County. The District has also “interseeded” 125 acres. Interseeding helps eliminate erosion. He continued that the tree and shrub program has been going well. A grant has been extended for two (2) bridges on S. Chase Street and N. Chase Street in Johnstown. The District has been waiting for National Grid at the Tryon Technology Park and they are ready to help with trenching once National Grid gives the o.k. He finished his report by advising that the District Board has completed sexual harassment training, which has been mandated by the State.
September 19th, 2019
Supervisor Greene advised that the Committee met on Aug 20, 2019 and stated that he was unable to attend due to 2020 County Budget Review meetings.
August 12th, 2019
Supervisor Greene stated that the District Board met on July 16, 2019. He advised that stumping and seeding at the airport has been put on hold until the end of the summer. He stated that the ditching to the water tower and the electrical service project at the Tryon Technology Park is also on hold while National Grid gets final plans together. He advised that stump removal at Fox Run Golf Course has been completed. Hydro-seeding for Johnstown and the Town of Johnstown has been completed. There are roadside projects on Barlow Road in the Town of Bleecker. There are issues clearing bed rock and they continue to hydro seed various roads. The City of Gloversville has drainage issues and has hired Dan's Excavation to create drainage solutions.
July 8th, 2019
Supervisor Greene stated that fish deliveries were completed in addition to stump removal at Fox Run Golf Course. The City of Johnstown bridge replacements were completed as well as hydroseeding for the City and Town of Johnstown.
June 10th, 2019
Supervisor Blackmon advised that the District Board met on May 21. There was a final audit of the books that has been completed. At Tryon they are continuing to assist with excavator work and with stump removal. Also, they are helping with the electrical entrance project. They have sold the boat washing station for $23,000.00 to Saratoga. The District participated in “Earth Day” at the Johnstown Park. The tree and shrub programs are going well, as well as the fish program.
May 13th, 2019
Supervisor Greene advised that the District Board met on April 23. They are continuing to assist with excavator work at the airport and at Tryon. They are also working at Fox Run, with the City of Johnstown for a bridge replacement and with the Town of Broadalbin with their new inter-seeder. Mr. Greene further advised that the Board has hired a tax service to conduct an audit and that pipe sales are up.
March 11th, 2019
Supervisor Greene advised that the District Board met on February 12. He further advised that their 2018 Annual Report has been submitted and everyone should have received a copy in their mailbox. Also, that Soil and Water has met all their performance measures per the state and will be receiving funding in an amount over $88,000.00.
April 8th, 2019
Supervisor Greene advised that the District Board met on March 19. He further advised that Soil and Water will be purchasing a combination hydro seeder/planter with a state grant. A new secretary has been hired and will start in late April. The tile and grass seeds have been picking up in the past few weeks. The next meeting is going to be held on April 16.
December 27th, 2018
Supervisor Blackmon advised that the District Board had a very good year. He added with the implementation of a credit card machine, there were a lot more sales. Also, Soil and Water sold their boat washing station to Saratoga County.
December 10th, 2018
Supervisor Greene advised that the District Board met on November 20. The next meeting will be on December 18. He further advised that not much field work has been done because of the weather. The group met and discussed current grants and future grants.
November 13th, 2018
Supervisor Blackmon advised that the District Board met on October 16. He provided copies of a picture of the Excavator that Soil and Water has been using for projects and also a list of projects that were completed or had to be completed. He also advised that Soil and Water had approved a new Sexual Harassment Policy based on the same requirements that Fulton County will be adopting.
October 9th, 2018
Supervisor Greene advised that the District Board met on September 18th. He further advised that stump removal has been completed at the Tryon Technology Park. There are several tile draining and culvert projects being done throughout the county. The Fulton County “Day on the Farm” was a huge success at Rogers Orchards in late September.
September 10th, 2018
Supervisor Greene advised that the District Board met on August 28. Mr. Greene explained that the excavator has been used quite a bit with several projects being done in the Town of Mayfield, Town of Caroga, Town of Ephratah, Town of Perth and Town of Johnstown. Mr. Greene further advised that there would be work done on the N. Chase Street and S. Chase Street bridges in the City of Johnstown in the near future.
August 13th, 2018
Supervisor Greene advised that the District Board met on July 24 and it was a very productive meeting. He highlighted some topics such as shared services between Soil and Water and the Town of Caroga and the Town of Oppenheim. Soil and Water will be helping with stumping and hydroseeding at the Fulton County Airport after some trees are removed. He also spoke about some accomplishments of the Soil and Water Conservation District. Mr. Greene said that pipe sales have been going really well.
July 9th, 2018
Supervisor Greene advised that the District Board met on June 19. He further advised that fish sales went well. Some field work is being done as well as culvert work in Northville and a sewer line in Johnstown. There was work done at the airport. Mr. Greene said that the Soil and Water District is looking into selling the boat washing system that they have on advice from District Field Manager John Persch. The next meeting will be held on July 24.
June 11th, 2018
Supervisor Blackmon stated that there was a meeting on May 14 and they discussed four (4) high tower projects that will be completed this year. He stated that the SWCD excavator is being put to good use during the ongoing Fulton County Office Building Renovation Project.
May 14th, 2018
Supervisor Greene advised that the last Meeting was held on April 17, 2018. They accepted bids on the drainage tile and it will be coming from the same company as before since they were the lowest bidder. Fulton County Highway and Facilities asked for help with replacing certain culverts. The District also needs to complete repairs on multiple dry hydrants. Mr. Greene advised that the next meeting will be held on May 15, 2018.
April 9th, 2018
Supervisor Greene advised that the District Board met on March 20 and the next meeting will be held on April 17. He further advised that the Fulton County Highway Department has asked for help with three (3) projects this year. Also, that applications were received from three (3) farms for climate resilient farming. Mr. Greene also advised that Soil and Water officials are working with the Town of Johnstown to secure property for a new Soil and Water District Office.
March 12th, 2018
Supervisor Greene advised that the District Board met on February 20. He further advised that there has not been a lot of field work done, but that tile bids were mailed and are due back in April. Mr. Greene also commented that the District Board has decided not to be members of the New York State Association of Conservation Districts because its dues are $1,500.00. District staff members don’t think they are getting anything for the money and the association is not representing the smaller districts well. He reported that Mr. Persch, Soil and Water Conservation District Director and Field Manager, was interviewed by a magazine regarding the hydroseeder and inter-municipal cooperation. 2 Supervisor Greene further reported that New York State Department of Environmental Conservation will be supplying their own boat washing station at New York State owned campgrounds, but that the traveling boat washing station will still be available for municipalities to utilize.