There are immediate vacancies open at the Department of Social Services.
These are non-competitive positions.
No civil service examination required for appointment.
2025 Salary: $28.56 per hour
Typical Work Activities:
Interviews clients about issues of safety, family and personal problems, finances, child care, employment, and physical and mental impairments to determine their nature and degree;
Secures information, such as physical, psychological, family, social and related factors to assess the family’s/individual’s situation and evaluates these and client’s capacities and functioning;
Counsels client individually or in groups regarding plans for meeting needs and assists client to mobilize his inner capacities and environmental resources to improve social functioning;
Aids clients to modify attitudes and patterns of behavior by increasing client self awareness of his or her own strengths and weaknesses;
Reviews existing case records for available information for use in formulating a plan of service;
Works closely with other agency staff personnel in carrying out the plan for services;
Serves as a liaison with various agencies to which individuals and families can be referred for services; community resources and other organizations;
Periodically reviews cases to determine changes in the individual’s or family’s situations affecting need for service;
Establishes a helping relationship with individuals/families to support and assist in managing changes necessary to resolve identified problems;
Prepares various written documents and completes progress notes often through use of electronic systems;
Provides financial management and guardian services;
In conjunction with supervisory staff, assesses need for court intervention and prepares information and provides assistance necessary for filing and processing of court case;
Provides transportation of children and/or adults to facilitate case plan or management;
When assigned the duties of certifying foster parents, provides MAPP (Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting) training and recruitment/certification activities;
May handle emergency after-hour situations through phone or field contact.
The above examples of duties are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment to the position.
Minimum Qualifications:
Graduation from high school, possession of a high school equivalency diploma, or a high school individual education plan diploma, and either:
(A) Possession of a bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited or a New York State Registered college or university; or
(B) Be certified as a Registered Nurse with one year of experience in that profession.
Department of Social Services incumbents must be available to assume after-hours casework assignments as required. Assignments may be weeknights, weekends, and holidays.
Possession of a valid New York State driver’s license.
If qualifying by A (education option), a copy or photocopy of your official academic transcript showing courses taken and degree conferred (if a degree is required) must accompany your application. If submitting a photocopy, this office must be able to verify it is an official transcript. Your transcript does not have to be submitted in a sealed envelope from the Registrar’s Office. If your transcript, as previously described, does not accompany your application, your application will be disqualified.
Applications should be filed with the
Fulton County Personnel Department
1 East Montgomery Street
Johnstown NY 12095
(518) 736-5574
They can be found on our website at www.fultoncountyny.gov.